Pranav Bhaskar Tiwari

Why diluting internet safe harbour laws threatens both child safety & user privacy

The internet has always been envisioned as a platform to democratise public spaces by bringing more voices to the table and transform how interactions or businesses are conducted. The rapid adoption of internet-based technologies, however, has not just created opportunities but has also posed challenges requiring urgent and strategic resolution. With vices such as Child

Why diluting internet safe harbour laws threatens both child safety & user privacy Read More »

To break Encryption, or not: that is the question

In line with the American development, the Committee of the Upper House of the Indian Parliament came up with a report to curb the proliferation of Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM). The legislators proposed to break encryption in order to trace the originator. This move albeit well-intentioned is likely to do more harm than good.

To break Encryption, or not: that is the question Read More »