Competition Law and Policy

Preliminary Analysis of Competition (Amendment) Bill, 2022:Key Changes, Evolution and Analysis

The proposed changes to the Competition Act, 2002, introduced through the Competition (Amendment) Bill, 2022, the Competition (Amendment) Bill, 2020, and the report of the Competition Law Review Committee (CLRC Report), are seen as a positive step towards enhancing business ease and consumer protection, yet further improvements are needed, especially in adapting to the evolving digital market landscape. The CLRC stressed the urgency of including digital markets under the Act to prevent adverse and irreversible effects. Stakeholders and the public policy environment have supported necessary regulatory adjustments. Since the CLRC’s 2019 report, the market dynamics have shifted significantly. The 2022 Bill is set for discussion in the Lok Sabha. This analysis aims to bridge the gap in literature, offering a preliminary overview of key amendments proposed by the 2022 Bill, with thematic division, analysis, and recommendations for future consideration.

Authors: Saksham Malik, Programme Manager, The Dialogue; Vaishnavi Sharma, Research Assistant, The Dialogue; Aditi Seetha, Research Consultant, The Dialogue
Research Assistance: Anjali Kumari, Research Intern, The Dialogue 

Editors: Kriti Singh, Chief of Staff

Designed by: Diksha Kumari


Associate Director - Programmes and Operations

Research Associate

Associate Director - Commerce and Expansion


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