The Dialogue is committed to preserving the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all the physical and electronic information assets held throughout the organisation, not only to support and enable its mandate, strategic objectives, and daily operation but also to protect its stakeholders.
Reporting a cybersecurity issue:
To enhance the protection of its information and communication technologies (ICT) systems and assets, The Dialogue encourages the public to assist with its efforts by disclosing vulnerabilities in The Dialogue’s publicly accessible information systems and assets, as well as reporting cybersecurity issues.
Information Security Hall of Fame:
The Dialogue thanks the many individuals and organisations that have helped improve the security of the organisation’s information systems, data, and ICT resources by reporting security issues and vulnerabilities discovered.
Scam alert:
The Dialogue has been made aware of various correspondences—circulated via email, from websites, and via regular mail or facsimile—falsely stating that they are issued by, or in association with The Dialogue and/or its officials. These scams, which may seek to obtain money and/or, in many cases, personal details from the recipients of such correspondence, are fraudulent.