Aiming to add to the ongoing discourse on policy and regulatory approaches to addressing competition issues in digital markets, The Dialogue hosted a virtual roundtable discussion titled, ‘Future of Competition Policy in Digital Markets’ on March 10, 2023.
The Roundtable opened with a panel discussion featuring Dr. Amar Patnaik, Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, Dr. Aurelien Portuese, Director of The Schumpeter Project on Competition Policy, and Ms. Shruti Aji Murali, Counsel at Axiom5 Law Chambers, as speakers, and Dr. Frédéric Jenny, Chairman of the OECD Competition Committee as the moderator.
The latter half of the roundtable consisted of an interaction between the panelists and the participants. The session was attended by a diverse group of stakeholders including industry bodies, civil society, academi-cians, and government bodies. More than 80 people participated in the discussion.
A few clear recommendations emerged from the discussions. These recommendations are likely to bene-fit policy makers, including the CDCL, which is currently tasked with evaluating Indian digital markets and charting out the future of regulatory and policy interventions in the space.